At Black Ice Retrievers, we are working towards producing a multiple-purpose Lab, that even the toughest critics around can be proud to own. Our pointing labs definitely point naturally at very young ages, or we won’t promote them as such. We are the ONLY pointing program in the country with 5 National Championships.
Our dogs compete in venues all over the country, week in and week out. They run in AKC Field Trials, AKC/HRC Hunt Test, and in various shoots to retrieve series, such as the BDC, NUCS, UFTA, PHU, etc.
Our pups have won 5 National Championship titles and collectively have made over a dozen appearances in the World Championships with multiple top 5 placements. We had the #1 and #2 ranked dogs in the world for 3 years running.
83% of our puppies have been placed in homes of pro-trainers, kennel owners, and professional tournament hunters. As the old saying goes, “We must be doing something right” for various pro-trainers and kennel owners to own, train, and compete with our dogs’ offspring.
We are still a relatively small kennel with 12 dogs, give or take, but our record, our attention to detail, and our tireless research to find the most intelligent, healthy bloodlines in the country are starting to gain national recognition.
The most common thing we hear on the phone, texts, emails from people all over the country is; “I don’t want some high-strung lab that can’t live in the house with us.”. We pride ourselves in finding studs with superior intelligence and that great on and off switch to match up well with the traits of our females.
High levels of intelligence also translate to ease of training. A dog that is easily trained matures quickly and, thus, is more responsive to learning and lives to please its owners, especially indoors!
Our dogs compete in venues all over the country, week in and week out. They run in AKC Field Trials, AKC/HRC Hunt Test, and in various shoots to retrieve series, such as
the BDC, NUCS, UFTA, PHU, etc.
Our pups have won 5 National Championship titles and collectively have made over a dozen appearances in the World Championships with multiple top 5 placements. We had the #1 and #2 ranked dogs in the world for 3 years running.
83% of our puppies have been placed in homes of pro-trainers, kennel owners, and professional tournament hunters. As the old saying goes, “We must be doing something right” for various pro-trainers and kennel owners to own, train, and compete with our dogs’ offspring.
We are still a relatively small kennel with 12 dogs, give or take, but our record, our attention to detail, and our tireless research to find the most intelligent, healthy bloodlines in the country are starting to gain national recognition.
The most common thing we hear on the phone, texts, emails from people all over the country is; “I don’t want some high-strung lab that can’t live in the house with us.”. We pride ourselves in finding studs with superior intelligence and that great on and off switch to match up well with the traits of our females.
High levels of intelligence also translate to ease of training. A dog that is easily trained matures quickly and, thus, is more responsive to learning and lives to please its owners, especially indoors!
We are refining a line of labs that have superior noses, second to none bird drive, with superior intelligence. Our pups have that great on and off switch so your dream dog can live in your home and can be with your small children. Our dogs have lived with us in our home for 40 plus years because they are truly considered members of our family.
Our early success in both field trials and hunt tests across the AKC, HRC, and APLA speaks volumes about the intelligence of our dogs and our program. Take, for example Black Ice’s Super Sonic Scooter, who is the youngest dog in history by more than a year, to earn his QAA, Grand Master Pointing Retriever, and AKC Master Hunt titles. Read more about Scooter’s developing story on his stud page.
Another great example of our success is with our kennels namesake and the one that started it all in the 2xNC 3xGMPR HRCH Reno’s Black Ice MH, who also won back-to-back Shoot to Retrieve Open National Championships at just 11 months of age. Ice has also proven to be an incredible dam as she passes her intelligence on to all her pups regardless of the stud.
Ice has proven across 3 litters and two different studs that she can pass her natural pointing abilities to all her offspring as well. Every pup of hers, without exception, has “naturally” pointed before 7 weeks of age without exception. Ice’s pups have earned at least three QAA’s. No GMPR has ever whelped more QAA’s than ICE!.
About Ice
Ice has so much point herself she naturally backed every pointer she hunted with. Now how many pointing labs have you seen naturally back other pointers of any size, color, or breed?
Ice will also circle in front of a running bird and point it, blocking it from escaping with the wind coming from behind her. No one can train a pointer to do that. The best ones just do.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or drop us an email. Thanks again for browsing our website.
At Black Ice Retrievers, we are working towards producing a true “any purpose” Labrador. Whether your game is field trials, hunt tests, shoot-to-retrieve series for cash, or you want that once-in-a-lifetime bragging rights retriever you can impress your buddies within the duck blind, our bloodlines will exceed your every expectation.
Maybe you desire that natural pointing lab with that bone-chilling point. Or perhaps, you’re like me, who demands all of the above in a single dog.
Ice and Her Awards at Age 4
Not possible, you say? For the majority of brands or kennels, you are correct. Over the past three decades, we have set the bar for which others are now chasing. We have proven our brand by setting multiple records in hunt tests and in shoot-to-retrieve series. Records accomplished by dogs in our breeding program may never be matched again. We compete and succeed at all levels, week in and week out.
Why not just do what most kennels do and lower your overhead so you make more money? Because we purposely walk the road less traveled. I was raised to think and still believe there is no substitute for hard work. Giving it 110% is all we know. We don’t compromise our goals just to earn a buck.
Ice and Her Awards at Age 4
About Scooter
Scooter earned 3 Titles from 3 different types of Hunt Tests at 6 months old
Scooter had 8 titles at 22 months: SHR, CPR, JH, APR, SH, MH, MPR, & GMPR.
2 months of training later his QAA
Now at age 62, I have roughly 8 more years until I can retire. 8 more years to continue developing our brand, one decision at a time. So, we are developing our legacy and our brand, one puppy, one litter, one field trial, one hunt test, one stud choice, and one decision at a time.
So What Are You Looking for in a Retriever?
Our goal is simple. We are producing some of the healthiest, most intelligent labs with superior senses of smell you can find. But we don’t just say our Studs and Dams are intelligent. We prove out each and every dog’s intelligence that enters our breeding program. How? By training our dogs to become the best versions of themselves.
We train our dogs to at least AKC Master Hunt level and APLA Grand Master Pointing Retriever level. These titles are not achievable by every dog, especially before 2 years of age and any reputable pro-trainer will tell you the same.

We could certainly lower our standards like most lab kennels and simply just breed dogs from good bloodlines that are not accomplished themselves. Or we could throw a junior-level title on a pup and claim it’s as smart as the “well titled” dogs in its pedigree like a great number of kennels do. But that is simply not good enough for Black Ice Retrievers.
We are committed to establishing a premier brand of pointing labs that will for long be recognized for many things. This includes superior health, intelligence, and versatility.
If an individual dog doesn’t impress us, we simply don’t promote it into our breeding program. We hold ourselves to a higher standard than most, and it is evident based on the records we have set to date.

From a health perspective, our dogs are 100% clear of CNM and EIC. 9 out of 10 of our dogs are clear for EIC, CNM, PRA, RSOSD, DM, SD2, and HNPK. Our dog’s hips are evaluated by the OFA as Good or Excellent. Our dogs’ eyes and elbows are also evaluated and must receive Normal ratings.
I have been training and working with Labradors and lab breeders for my personal use for more than 40 years. My experience and research of four decades goes into every decision we make. What dogs to breed to, what dogs to buy, and just as important, what programs and kennels to stay clear of.
All Labradors are NOT created equal. I have no less than 30 kennels and/or pro-trainers that I work with to make sure my research is validated from multiple sources before I render a decision. If I don’t have the lab you want, chances are, I can find one that will meet your expectations from a kennel you can trust.
We are refining a line of labs that have superior noses and bird drive, yet they have the trainability for hunt test and field trials as well. You might be thinking, “Doesn’t that speak to a high percentage of labs?”. Not to the levels of our standards when it comes for example in our upland work.
Our dogs have indicated birds at distances of over 100 yards and some of our “natural” pointing labs have so much point in them they actually “back” all other pointers at first sight. Now, how many pointing labs have you seen naturally back other pointers of any size, color, or breed?

Our hope is to provide you with a long-lasting family companion that will give you a lifetime of memories, the way our dogs have for us for more than 40 years. If you are interested in a well-bred, healthy, very intelligent, honestly natural pointing lab, then look into our Upcoming Litter page.