Repeat Breeding in the Summer of 2022. Taking deposits now.
Chaos is one of the hottest red studs in the country. 100% amateur-trained and handled by his owner Dickie Edmund’s of Little Rock, Arkansas. When I first spoke to Dickie and had him describe how Chaos was as a pup, it sounded like me telling folks about how fast Scooter learned.
Chaos is the real deal. When I was in the house, Chaos was a perfect gentleman. He is maybe one shade lighter than Moxie and is extremely handsome and smart.
Chaos has been outstanding in every venue he has competed in: HRC, AKC, and in SRS competitions.
Now with four grand passes and his SRSAC title, he is in a class rarely achieved. He has great health clearances, and to our knowledge, this is the first cross between these two great Fox Red legends of the game, Scooter and Chaos.
Moxie or Foxy is a very dark red-yellow Lab. She is the daughter of GMPR HRCH Black Ice’s Super Sonic Scooter MH QA2. She is an incredible hunt test and field trial prospect. Amateur-trained and handled to her HR Title.
She also has her SH title but has been doing Master-level work like her dad, Scooter, since she was 18 months old. We will be pursuing her HRCH and Master titles after this litter. The sky is the limit for her. She can run ALL AGE marks and blinds.
The apple didn't fall far from the tree in her Sire, Scooter. Scooter holds several records for titles at very young ages. Holding 3 Hunt Test titles and passed 9 Hunt tests in HRC, AKC, and APLA events before 7 months of age, and the rest was history. Scooter ran 8 series in the 2014 Canadian Field Trial Nationals and qualified for a total of 4 Field Trial Nationals. Besides his OPEN WIN his titles include CPR, APR, MPR, GMPR, SHR, HR, HRCH, JH, SH, MH, QAA, and QA2.

Repeat Breeding in the Summer of 2022. Taking deposits now.
Scooter needs no introduction. He is the youngest dog on by more than 13
months to earn his GMPR, QAA, and MH titles. He is the smartest dog I have ever
owned in more than 40 years. He learned every command in minutes.
How many dogs do you know had 9 Hunt Test passes and 3 Hunt Test titles at just 6 months old? We know of just one, Scooter. Besides great looks and superior intelligence, he also has perfect health clearances with excellent hips, normal elbows, normal eyes, and is 100% clear for EIC, CNM, PRA, RD/OSD, DM, SD2, and HNPK. He is also dilute free and does not carry chocolate.
Nudge is a fantastic talent as well. She is the daughter of FC AFC B Bumble
“Stinger.” Nudge, besides going 6 for 8 to earn her MH title, has a 3rd place and
two RJ’s in Qualifiers. We hope to run her in more Quals in 2022. She is so driven, focused, and loves to please people.
She too, like Scooter, has perfect health clearances and is a fabulous mom. She loves any puppies, cats, etc. She is such a pleasure to train and to be with. This is a repeat breeding with great feedback from their first litter.

Up Coming Litter in the Summer of 2022. Now taking deposits.
Buddy is one of just ten or so Chocolate FC’s in the history of the AKC. His desire and focus from 43 days of age was like nothing I have ever seen. Not only could Buddy take a lead at 43 days old, he could watch, mark and retrieve every orange two-inch pumper I could throw as far as I could. Buddy would retrieve each by hand and wouldn’t quit. YES, at 43 days old.
These Tyra x Roux pups created several outstanding dogs, including the 2009 record-setting National Derby Champ in Ammo. Ammo went on to earn her FC, AFC, and these Canadian equivalents. She also won the 2014 Canadian National Amateur Championship. Ammo also hold the record for most Derby points with 144, and earned a record setting all age points in the US with 96 All Age Points in 2014.
Buddy earned 27 hunt test passes, 6 titles including his MH title by the time he was 24 months old. To earn his QAA, he took a 1st place and was double-staked that weekend in the Open too, finishing three series all at two years of age. Buddy was the #1 Chocolate All Age Point dog in 2019 and was the only chocolate in 2019 to qualify and run at the National Retriever Championship.
Buddy finished 8 series at the 2019 NRC which places him in a pretty elite group of Chocolates. He is super laid back until it comes to working. People who watch him today can’t believe he is almost 11 years old.
Buddy is from the only chocolate bloodline that has 4 consecutive chocolate FC AFC’s in a row. (Barracuda Blue, Blue Ryder, Roux, and Ammo.)
SHOT is a 48-pound bundle of joy. This is her first litter and we are so excited to introduce her. Shot is so loving, bitable, and talented too. She went 8 for 8, never failing a test to earn her JH and SH titles. She will return to the game in 2022 to first pursue her HRCH title and then on to her Masters.
Shot is a direct daughter of FC AFC Choco Lickity-Split son of NAFC FC AFC Barton Creek’s O’ Mustad, who was a son of 2xNAFC 2XCAFC Ebonstar Lean Mac. Chocolate doesn’t get better than this.
Your puppy’s parent’s pedigrees have a combined 8 chocolate FC AFC’s or FTCH AFTCH’s. I’m not sure I have ever seen that before. They also have a total of 12 National Field Trial titles.
They also have incredible pedigrees, proven unmatched chocolate intelligence, and fantastic health clearances. Each parent is all clear for EIC, CNM, PRA, RD/OSD, DM, SD2, and HNPK.
Buddy’s hips scored excellent and shots scored good. Both have normal elbows and eyes. Both are dilute free as well. If you are looking for great chocolate intelligence and want calm laid back parents, then look no further. This should be an outstanding litter. God Bless.
Over the past few decades we have placed puppies in homes all over the world. We have hundreds of references standing by to speak to you about our puppy program. Clients repeatedly praise us for how much time we take with them and how curtious we are throughout the entire buying process. We treat all clients whether your're a Pro trainer, breeder, duck hunter or companion home with the utmost respect and kindness. Do unto others.... We live by the Golden Rule.